Lathe, bandsaw & 4x10 flip top vacuum press.
Lathe left and vacuum press on the right. The vacuum press has a hinged plywood cover for protection but it is usually littered with unfinished projects or pieces in need of repair. Notice the tables broken over the years by the kids. I think they were using them as props in a live Mario Brothers game.
Performax sander
Work bench and router table
Wet grinder.
Edge sander & disc sander
Drillng stations
Powermatic Table saw
Work station with segmented jigs
Wet Grinder
20" planer & Chopsaw
Powermatic Tablesaw
These are pictures of my old basement shop that was my second home for 15 years. My new free standing shop is much more open with more working space but I will always have fond memories of the work I did down in this space